Category: Hanga | Create


LI: To make an informed opinion.

LI: To understand perspective.

LI: To understand that your perspective influences your opinion.

For inquiry we learned how to create our own provocation opinion about the 10 billion dollar spending choice that Paris made on the Olympics in pairs. We had to look at both perspectives of the situation. One being, why they should’ve spent the money on the Olympics, and the other being why they shouldn’t have spent it on the Olympics. We researched about why hosting the Olympics was a good idea. We listed down reasons on both perspectives and came up with our own informed opinion. “I think that they shouldn’t have spent the money on the Olympics because they only use the stadium for one year and it won’t be used again. This is a bad environment for them because they could of spent it on people in needs.”

I enjoyed this activity because I learnt how to make an informed opinion and learnt a few facts on the way.

Duffy box

For this activity the whole school created a Duffy box, for the books we recieve from Duffy. The reason why we created a duffy box is because most people dosen’t have a place to put them so they either throw them away or just leave them on their mat. We all had to design our boxes with our cultural patterns or we could have choosen zentangle patterns. I choose to do zentangle patterns cutrual patterns. The supplies we used to design our Duffy box was a pencil by pressing down gently, a ruler to line our patterns and a vivid to outline the pencil.

This was a fun activity to create because now we know where to put our books when we recieve them.

Reading reponses – Making the Team

LI: To make connections (self, text, world)

LI: To make inferences about the events in the text using the clues provided by the author.

LI: To read and understand a fictional text.

LI: To understand the purpose of the text.

Our reading text was about ‘Making the Team’. We read through the text as a group to find evidence for the questions that were on the side. The question I have answered was “Why was Dad running up and down the sideline. We recorded our responses, by using the comment tool so others can grab some ideas or information. We have used our smart searching skills to find the definition for the words that relates to the text. When we finished recording our answers, other people can reply to you and tell you a question to answer. For example: “Where does it say in the text that he was running up and down the sideline?”.

I enjoyed this task because I get to know how she felt when she didn’t make the rugby team.

Water safety – Thinking Grid

LI: To learn how and why we need to stay safe in and around water.

For this task, we have been learning how to keep safe in the water when you’re in trouble. As you can see there are 6 questions you get to answer. To keep safe in or around the water you always have to wear or keep a life jacket with you at all times so you don’t drown. In this task we researched and used our thinking skills to grab some ideas for the questions. For example: what do you always wear in the water? I would reply with “we always have to wear a life  jacket to make us breathe and float, if it is serious danger”.

I enjoyed doing this task because if I was in danger in the water, I could remember all the things I have learned about water safety.

Modern Olympics

LI: To use our smart searching skills to help us explore the Modern Olympic games

LI: To work collaboratively in groups as an active participant and contributor

Our challenge was to work in groups of 4 to discuss about the Modern Olympics Games. Me and my group picked one of the questions on the inquiry slide and used our smart searching skills to find the answer to what we picked. We searched for some photos that relates to the text, we also attributed the image so that we don’t copyright, and if they wanted to use it they could click the link that is on the slide. I researched about one of best athlete who completed in the 100m race, and it is Usain Bolt.

I enjoyed learning about Modern Olympics because in 2020 it was lockdown and we never learned about Olympics.


Unfortunately this was our last game for the season, our team have been trying our best versing other schools and trying to win some games. Unfortunately this week we have lost to Michael Park school. The score was 8 to 19. Our netball team did great playing on court and we won the player of the day (whole team). We participated in all games and represented our school throughout the whole weeks we have played.

I enjoyed playing netball because we got to represent our school and try our best to play.

Reading Responses

LI: To make connections (text, world).

LI: To find information (facts) and retell it in less words.

LI: To make inferences about the events in the text using the clues provided by the author.

Our reading text was about ‘Rosie Ruiz fakes Boston Marathon win’. We read through the text as a class to find evidence for the questions that were on the side. We first wrote about what we might think Rosie has cheated. We recorded our responses, by using the comment tool so others can grab some ideas or information. We have used our smart searching skills to find the definition for the words that relates to the text. When we finished recording our answers, other people can reply to you and tell you a question to answer. For example: “what information in the text make you think this?”.

I enjoyed this task because I wanted to know what happened back in the years.

Ancient Olympics quiz

LI: to recall our knowledge of the Ancient Olympics at speed.

Our challenge was to create a kahoot based off our knowledge about the Ancient Olympics games. We presented our presentation about the Ancient Olympics and found important information and to turn it into questions for our quiz (kahoot). For example: who is Zeus wife? We used these questions and pasted it into our Kahoot.

I enjoyed this task because it was fun and we used our thinking skills too remember what the answers are.

Matariki Assembly

For Matariki assembly, each class was given a certain star in the Matariki Cluster to research. We were given two stars, Tupuanuku and Tupuarangi. Tupuanuku is related with food, and Tupuarangi is related with growth above the ground. For our presentation Keira, Bethany and Armani created paper stars and attatched the names that Ane and Siniva created to them. With the 2 stars Mercy, Mason, Riley and Folose created a song with the help of AI.

I enjoyed looking at each classes stars because it support/celebrates Matarki.

2 words and 2 minutes

Today we used the ‘2 words 2 minute’ challenge to write a simple story about the ancient olympics in under 2 minutes. When the timer was finish we started talking to the person next to us about the things we knew about the ancient olympics. We chose the words Greece and athletes to help us understand what we will be writing about. There was 3 rules they were, don’t stress just guess, write as fast as you can (don’t write as fast as the other person can), and the last one was make sure it makes sense.

When the timer was up we had 2 or 3 minutes to read it again and fix what didn’t make sense or fix the punctuation that was in the wrong place. We than had to check if we had a rehetorical question, simple sentence, complex sentence and others.

This activity was fun because it helped me write better and faster than the first round.