Abstract Noun Poem – Courage

LI: To use metaphors and senses to describe the noun by painting a picture with your words.

Our task was to write a poem about an abstract noun using the 5 sences, known as: Ofactory (smell), Gustatory (taste), Visual (see) tactile (touch) and auditory (hear). One of the noun my partner picked was courage, meaning being hold to strive forward. In each line/paragraph we described what we thought the abstract noun would look,smell, feel,hear and taste like. We then used wordhippo to change our words into more powerful and make our poem more developed.

I found this task fun because I get to enjoy writing poems about different things to learn more.

Moment in Time poem Maungarei

LI: To write a poem that describes a moment in time.

Our task was to create a poem about when we walked up the Maungarei (Mt Wellingtion). We were challenged to write each line, based on one of the 5 sences known as: Ofactory (smell), Gustatory (taste), Visual (see) tactile (touch) and auditory (hear).

I found this activity fun because I got to write about our trip to Maungarei.

Moment in Time poem Polar Bear

LI : To write a poem about a moment in time.

My task was to write a poem about a video of a polar bear. We were challenged to watch a video of a polar bear attempting to attack a man, and imagine we were him. First we wrote down some words and used wordhippo to change some of the words to level up our writing. Then we wrote lines based off of some of the 5 sences known as: Ofactory (smell), Gustatory (taste), Visual (see) tactile (touch) and auditory (hear).

I found this task fun because I got to find new words to level up my writing in work.

Taniwha name

LI: To understand the Treaty of Waitangi.

LI: To understand how culture connects with your name.

I was challenged to draw a Taniwha but to fade it onto my name. I first looked up for a piece of a design of a taniwha to recreate the picture on a DLO. I then wrote my name and put some designs on it to help it look more like a Tainwha. I also made the eyes bigger to make it look like an O for my name.

I found this activity fun and I also get to be creative with my name and to also designs taniwha’s and more others creative designs.

Lunar New Year

LI: To use smart searching skills to research correct information.

This tasked we learnt about Lunar New Years, The lantern New Year. We resarched and explained about what or why Chinese Lantern Festival is about and why it is important to them. We then wrote down the most importantly part which was the information. Lastly we certainly decorated and added pictures on the slides to represent what it looks like.

I found this activtie enjoyable and amazing because it helps me and others, learn more different parts about Lunar New Years. My other reason is that I get to be creative and show everyone what we have being learning in class.

2024 Vision Board

Our task was to create a vision board about a leader we admire and look up to. I chose Niall Williams, I chose her because I feel to inspire her by her to play rugby, touch, I enjoy playing touch and would someday hope to play in finals when I have the chance to when I grow older.

I found this task fun and creative because it helps me visualise what it would look like when I am out of college.

My Pepeha

LI : To write and say our pepeha.

We each got to write our pephea, to helps us get to know eachother, or more about them. A pephea is introducing yourself in Te Reo Maori, and what you identify as and where you are from. This allows us to make connections and form friendships with my class mates as well as family.

I found this activity enjoyable because other people can get to know about me.

Figure it out Gala

This week for Miss White maths group we learned about how to use our problem solving skills to work out the gala set up.

What is a school Gala? A school gala is where people sales things that others would like to buy or want. For example : You are saling a pencil case. When people walks towards it they would want to buy it so they will give you a token of how much it cost.

First, Miss White explained to us what we are learning for today. We are learning about solving skills and how to use our problems. For example : the problem is “The goldfish is selfish and never wants to share anything with us”. The solving part will be “Until the goldfish realises he was a selfish fish that won’t share anything with other people or creatures so he decides to share and make everyone happy again.

Next, Miss White told us that we have to make a copy of the google slide that talks about figuring it out at the gala. There are 14 slides to complete. When we finished making a copy of the google slide we had to look at the slide and work out each question. We also had to use different partners each slide. My partner for each slide was Armani, Hasna, Ziv, Valencia, Sila, Hasna, Amarley, Myah, and other people. Those are the partners I used for each slide.

Lastly, we had to go through each slide and answer the questions. One of the questions was date dilema. In the date dilemma we had to go look at the calendar and see what date suits most people and way. I picked the 29th because there is a 50% (percent) chance that there is a strong wind and there’s another 50% chance that it would or could be weak. When I finished some of the slides we had to draw a bar graph on a book or a chromebook to see which one is the best and who has the most votes.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at answering all of the questions on the google slide. I need to improve on doing more bar graphs about the school gala.


Film Festival

This week on Wednesday we went to the cinemans to watch other schools movies.

First, group A and Group B had to partner up with the little kids. My little buddie was Peyton.

Next, we went on the bus and we were heading to our location which was sylvia park.

Then, when we arrived to sylvia park we had to hold hands forever with our buddies and go up the stairs.

After, we went inside the movies and we sat in our chairs. But we first had to drop off our buddies to their seat and go to our seats.

Lastly, the lights went off and we changed the schools movie flims.

My favourite movie was from our school called throw the jandal.

Make sure to give positive comments onto our movie.

Figure it out

This week for Miss White maths group we learned about how to use our problem solving skills to work out the gala set up.

What is a school Gala? A school gala is where people sales things that others would like to buy or want. For example : You are saling a pencil case. When people walks towards it they would want to buy it so they will give you a token of how much it cost.

First, Miss White explained to us what we are learning for today. We are learning about solving skills and how to use our problems. For example : the problem is “The goldfish is selfish and never wants to share anything with us”. The solving part will be “Until the goldfish realises he was a selfish fish that won’t share anything with other people or creatures so he decides to share and make everyone happy again.

Next, Miss White told us that we have to make a copy of the google slide that talks about figuring it out at the gala. There are 14 slides to complete. When we finished making a copy of the google slide we had to look at the slide and work out each question. We also had to use different partners each slide. My partner for each slide was Armani, Hasna, Ziv, Valencia, Sila, Hasna, Amarley, Myah, and other people. Those are the partners I used for each slide.

Lastly, we had to go through each slide and answer the questions. One of the questions was date dilema. In the date dilemma we had to go look at the calendar and see what date suits most people and way. I picked the 29th because there is a 50% (percent) chance that there is a strong wind and there’s another 50% chance that it would or could be weak. When I finished some of the slides we had to draw a bar graph on a book or a chromebook to see which one is the best and who has the most votes.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at answering all of the questions on the google slide. I need to improve on doing more bar graphs about the school gala.