Tag: Reading

Papyrus AI Writing

Today we used papyrus AI to help us write a Narrative writing about Red Riding Hood and Snow White combined together. A generative AI is creating something, and to predict (guess) patterns and words. I also learned about the LLM which stands for Large Language Model. We used summaries and retell them in our own words. I really liked the way it replies faster, and how it tells you what you need to add to make it improve by the AI giving feedback.

Bonds of magic and courage.

Once upon a time, in a village near big forests and wide meadows, there were two girls named Snow White and Red Riding Hood. Snow White was known to play tricks and sometimes seemed a little distant from the others. She acted this way to protect herself. Red Riding Hood, however, was always kind and ready to help anyone who needed it.

One day, as the sun rose, people in the village talked about a strange problem. The gardens were drying up, and food was getting scarce. Red Riding Hood wanted to help. She walked through the busy market, asking people if they knew how to fix the problem.

As she walked, she thought about Snow White, who had a tough life after her mother died. Snow White’s stepmother, Stephanie, was mean and didn’t like Snow White because she was so pretty and talented. But Snow White stayed strong and smart, even when things were hard at home.

Red Riding Hood decided to ask Snow White for help. They met in the village square, and Red Riding Hood told her about the curse on the village. At first, Snow White wasn’t sure, but Red Riding Hood’s kind words made her want to help. She agreed to join Red Riding Hood and try to save the village.

In another part of the village, Red Riding Hood was worried because her grandma was sick. To cheer her up, Red Riding Hood picked flowers and baked biscuits, then walked through the forest to her grandma’s house with the basket of treats.

Meanwhile, Stephanie had a magical mirror that talked to her. Every day she asked, “Mirror, who is the prettiest of them all?” The mirror always said, “You are beautiful, but Snow White is even more beautiful.” This made Stephanie angry and jealous. She thought about how to make Snow White less beautiful.

Snow White was really scared because she thought the huntsman would get rid of her, as her stepmother wanted. But the kind huntsman had a good heart and let her run away to a new place where she could be safe.

When Stephanie realized Snow White was missing, she asked her magic mirror, “Where is Snow White?” The mirror showed her where Snow White had gone. Angry and determined, Stephanie disguised herself as an old woman and went to Snow White’s hiding place. She knocked on the door, pretending to be kind, and convinced Snow White to let her in.

Once inside, Stephanie revealed her true intentions. She tied Snow White with a rope until Snow White fainted, leaving her in danger.

Red Riding Hood, searching for her friend, came upon the house and sensed something was wrong. She hurried inside and found Snow White unconscious and tied up. Quickly, Red Riding Hood untied her, allowing Snow White to breathe again. As Snow White slowly came back to life, she thought to herself that she would never trust strangers at her door, even if they appeared to be harmless old women.

After their narrow escape, Snow White and Red Riding Hood knew they had to come up with a plan to protect themselves and end Stephanie’s wickedness. Together, they devised a plan to confront Stephanie and break the hold the magic mirror had over her.

They decided to take the mirror away from Stephanie, hoping it would free her from jealousy. With bravery in their hearts, they sneaked back into Stephanie’s home. Using clever tricks and teamwork, they managed to distract Stephanie and retrieve the mirror. 

Once the mirror was in their hands, Snow White and Red Riding Hood smashed it into pieces. As the shards scattered, Stephanie’s enchantment was broken, and with it, her obsession with beauty faded.

Stephanie, freed from the mirror’s influence, realized the harm she had caused and asked for forgiveness. Snow White, learning the power of kindness and forgiveness, decided to give her stepmother another chance.

With love and unity, the village’s gardens began to bloom again. Snow White and Red Riding Hood’s friendship grew stronger, proving that courage, trust, and a little bit of magic can overcome any darkness.

Interview – Stephen Crichton

In reading we created a Google slide explaining what we want to ask our favourite celebrity, sports player, or idol when we get a chance to. As you can see my favourite player I want to interview is Stephen Crichton. On the next page it is all about questions I want to ask. An example of this is “What is your favourite colour?”. This is where you get a chance to ask them questions and to know them more than just their name.

I enjoyed creating this Google slide because in the future you might be that person.

Informative Visual Presentation – Reading

LI: Create an informative visual presentation to share with the group.

For reading our challenge was to create an informative presentation about your favourite sport player. The person I picked to talk about was Stephen Crichton. This relates to a text called  “Mils Muliaina – All black” where a little boy called Alisana interviewed him and got information about his journey. In this presentation there are only 3 pieces of information I have found by doing some smart research about him. As you can see, Stephen Crichton was born in Apia Samoa which means his parents are Samoa. As a group we get to do a presentation to the reading group and talk them through what we researched or what we have found.

I enjoyed doing these challenges because it helps us learn more about their personality or journey.

Traditional Tattoos

For Reading, we learned about Traditional Tattoos. Traditional Tattoos We got into groups and picked 3 cultures we want to research and learn more about. Our three cultures we picked were Maori, Samoa and the Philippines. We used our smart searching skills and found out the meaning and why it’s important (It’s important to understand the meaning behind the symbols of the traditional tattoos, so you have a better apprehension of the significance that they wear). We watched 2 or 3 videos of the traditional tattoos of each culture to find out more information about the symbols and we also clicked on the links that took us to a website for us to read more. Something that I found interesting about the 3 cultures was that each tattoo or symbol has a personal story behind it.

I enjoyed doing this task because it helps people understand what’s the meaning behind them.

Duffy box

For this activity the whole school created a Duffy box, for the books we recieve from Duffy. The reason why we created a duffy box is because most people dosen’t have a place to put them so they either throw them away or just leave them on their mat. We all had to design our boxes with our cultural patterns or we could have choosen zentangle patterns. I choose to do zentangle patterns cutrual patterns. The supplies we used to design our Duffy box was a pencil by pressing down gently, a ruler to line our patterns and a vivid to outline the pencil.

This was a fun activity to create because now we know where to put our books when we recieve them.

Reading reponses – Making the Team

LI: To make connections (self, text, world)

LI: To make inferences about the events in the text using the clues provided by the author.

LI: To read and understand a fictional text.

LI: To understand the purpose of the text.

Our reading text was about ‘Making the Team’. We read through the text as a group to find evidence for the questions that were on the side. The question I have answered was “Why was Dad running up and down the sideline. We recorded our responses, by using the comment tool so others can grab some ideas or information. We have used our smart searching skills to find the definition for the words that relates to the text. When we finished recording our answers, other people can reply to you and tell you a question to answer. For example: “Where does it say in the text that he was running up and down the sideline?”.

I enjoyed this task because I get to know how she felt when she didn’t make the rugby team.

Reading Responses

LI: To make connections (text, world).

LI: To find information (facts) and retell it in less words.

LI: To make inferences about the events in the text using the clues provided by the author.

Our reading text was about ‘Rosie Ruiz fakes Boston Marathon win’. We read through the text as a class to find evidence for the questions that were on the side. We first wrote about what we might think Rosie has cheated. We recorded our responses, by using the comment tool so others can grab some ideas or information. We have used our smart searching skills to find the definition for the words that relates to the text. When we finished recording our answers, other people can reply to you and tell you a question to answer. For example: “what information in the text make you think this?”.

I enjoyed this task because I wanted to know what happened back in the years.

Calling all Riders

LI: To make connections (self, text, world).

LI: To read and understand a informational text.

LI: To make inferences about the events in the text using the clues provided by the author.

LI: To understand the purpose of the text.

Our reading text was about ‘Calling all Riders’. We discussed as a group to remind us about what the learning intention means to the world, self and text. We read through the text to find evidence for the questions that were on the side. We have used our smart searching skills to find out about where Cambridge and New Plymouth is. All of our responses were written in the comments tool. The photo above is an example.

Something I found interesting about this text was defining the words of refuel because I thought it was about refilling the motorbike or bike with some liquid but it was actually about water and food to keep Aaron energized.


LI : To evaluate the facts and make an informed opinion.

A Provocation is an action or speech that triggers strong feelings about a topic. Our Provocation for this topic was, did the punishment fit the crime? We read an information explaining the crime that 2 men have stole. Here is a question for you: Do you think the punishment fit the crime? We came up with a short summary explaining the information we’ve learnt. We came up with our own opinion using our own words and made 2 perspectives,  called perspective A and B.

For this activity I found it really fun because we got to learn about what happened to the victoria cross.

Swamp Tiger

LI: to create a multi-modal DLO that tells others about swamp tigers.

Our challenged was to gather information about the swamp tiger and to create a multi-modal DLO that tells others about swamp tigers. In pairs we used our smart searching skill to find out about their topics which are appearance, diet, habitat, and behaviour. We created a Google slide explaining to others about their topics and interesting facts about them. For example: did you know that swamp tigers can grow up to 13 feet in length? We then gathered with another pair and present to them our presentation.

I enjoyed learning about swamp tigers because I’ve learnt lots of new interesting facts about them.