Tag: Reading


LI : To evaluate the facts and make an informed opinion.

A Provocation is an action or speech that triggers strong feelings about a topic. Our Provocation for this topic was, did the punishment fit the crime? We read an information explaining the crime that 2 men have stole. Here is a question for you: Do you think the punishment fit the crime? We came up with a short summary explaining the information we’ve learnt. We came up with our own opinion using our own words and made 2 perspectives,  called perspective A and B.

For this activity I found it really fun because we got to learn about what happened to the victoria cross.

Swamp Tiger

LI: to create a multi-modal DLO that tells others about swamp tigers.

Our challenged was to gather information about the swamp tiger and to create a multi-modal DLO that tells others about swamp tigers. In pairs we used our smart searching skill to find out about their topics which are appearance, diet, habitat, and behaviour. We created a Google slide explaining to others about their topics and interesting facts about them. For example: did you know that swamp tigers can grow up to 13 feet in length? We then gathered with another pair and present to them our presentation.

I enjoyed learning about swamp tigers because I’ve learnt lots of new interesting facts about them.

Taniwha name

LI: To understand the Treaty of Waitangi.

LI: To understand how culture connects with your name.

I was challenged to draw a Taniwha but to fade it onto my name. I first looked up for a piece of a design of a taniwha to recreate the picture on a DLO. I then wrote my name and put some designs on it to help it look more like a Tainwha. I also made the eyes bigger to make it look like an O for my name.

I found this activity fun and I also get to be creative with my name and to also designs taniwha’s and more others creative designs.

Comic Strip

This week for Miss White reading groups we learned about how to create a comic strip based on the events of the rainbow fish.

In the DLO we also have to use language features – past tense, adverbs/verbs, written in first person (I, we) , especially nouns.

First, we sat on the mat and Ms Mclean explained to us what our work was to do in the morning. Our task/work was to make a copy of the DLO and make a comic strip based on the book called the rainbow fish. In the big box we had to draw pictures and in the little box we had to write down the events of the story. For example : I drew in the big box a rainbow fish swimming around and in the little box I wrote down what happened or what the fish was doing.

Next, we had to go back to the document we made a copy of from W3 and create a comic strip of the rainbow fish. In the document we had to scroll down and use the summary to help create the comic strip. We also had an option if we wanted to create the comic strip online on the chromebook or on paper. I chose the paper because it would be easier to draw pictures but harder to write down what happened in the story.

Lastly, I had to colour in the drawings and show Ms Mclean. When I finished showing my work I had to go online on a chromebook and write down a recount of what I have learned on my blog.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at drawing pictures and writing down stories. I need to improve on adding more details onto the story part.


This week for Miss White reading groups we learned about how to identify a problem and solution.

What is a problem and a solution? A problem is where something has happened and it is really bad. Solution is where you fix the problem and it is all solved.

First, Miss White explained to us what our task and work was for us to do for today. Our work was to go on the document called Goldilocks and we had to read through the story and answer the questions. We also had to find the problem and solution.

Next, we had to make comments on each question and answer them. For example : the question is “How many people have voted for a national. The answer will be 36. After we finished commenting on each question we had to look through other people’s comments. Miss White looked through them with us all together and read them and gave respect to our comments.

Then, after we finished the document and commented on every question, we had to scroll down to the bottom and write down a problem that happened in the story and the solution that fixed the problem. For example : The problem will be the teacher was being unfair to the other students. The solution will be the teacher realised it was so unfair to the other students so she apologised and took them too.

Lastly, we had to make a copy of the problem and solution DLO. DLO also stands for digital learning objects. In the DLO we had to click on the link called stories for kids. I had to choose 3 stories and read or watch through it. When I finished reading one of the stories I had to go on the DLO and write down the problem and solution and do it for the rest of the 2 other stories.

The end… Remember to be positive and respectful to school. Negative actions have negative consequences.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at commenting on each question on the document. I need to improve on adding more comments.

Narrative Planner

This week for Miss White’s reading groups we learned about how to unpack a narrative.

What is narrative writing? Narrative writing is telling stories, and stories help us connect with each other. They have written to entertain and to share experiences with a reader. Narrative writing can be written in many mediums, such as novels, short stories, poems, diaries, and even biographies.

First, Miss White told us to discuss in a group what narrative writing is. A narrative writing is where someone is telling stories and it also helps us connect with each other. For example : I am telling a story about the three little pigs. In the story it talks about the three little pigs building different types of houses made out of metal, brick, or pastel.

Next, Miss White explained to us what TOPES stands for. T – title, O – orientation/setting, P – Problem, – E is events, and S – solution. We also use language features – past tense (jump – jumped), verbs/adverbs, written in first person (I, we) and nouns. For example : We went out to the shopes to get us some salt and vinegar chips. or I went out to the shops to go get me some salt and vinegar chips. These are some of the examples.

Then, Miss White told us to make a copy of a document and watch a video called the rainbow fish. In the video called the rainbow fish it talks about a rainbow fish not sharing one of his scales. When we finish watching the video about the rainbow fish you have to go on the document and write down the title of the story, orientation  (where they have set the settings at), Problem (what was the problem in the story), events (first, next, last), solution (how did the problem get fixed).

Lastly, after you finished writing your plan of narrative about the rainbow fish we had to scroll down to the bottom and summarise 20 important words (or phrases), pick 6 most important words, and sentences that flow. In the story I picked 20 important words which were beauty, rainbow fish, blue fish, special, scale, cry, upset, friend, whizzed, share, anymore, share, shiny, mean, green, deep, sea, amazed, please, swam.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at writing down lots of events. I need to improve on adding more details onto the event.

Palm Oil & Storybook

This week for Miss White’s reading groups we learned how to create a book of facts about palm oil.

What is palm oil? Palm oil is a type of an edible vegetable oil derived from mesocarp (reddish pulp) of the fruit of the palm oil. The oil is used in food manufacturing.

First, Miss White explained to us what to do first. The first task was to go on the reading slide and go to T3 (Term 3) week 10, and read all of the information she put on there. When you finish reading the text you have to click on the image and it takes you to a link called storybook. Story book is where you create your own book and talking after facts or something that is happening right now

Next, we had to go on the link called storybook and create a book. When we created a book we had to make our title to palm oil because we are talking about palm oil and giving facts. When we do the title we have to write down what is going to happen in the story. For example : in the book a great big monster will hurt a little kid that is only 5 years old.

After we finished writing down what is happening in the story we had to create a new page and design the background, and other types of material. For example : my background will be out of school which is in the garden at the house. I chose a garden because that is where palm oil grows.

Then, after we finished doing the first page we had to add a character and the plant to describe what was going on. My character was a girl that had black hair, brown eyes, a black t-shirt, and black pants. In the background I put in some bushes and flowers to make it look interesting.

Lastly, I showed it to one of my friends and teacher. When we finished creating our book we had to read through it to make sure it makes sense and knows what is going to happen. Then we had to recount what I have learned on my blog.

I enjoyed creating my own storybook about palm oil. I did well at explaining what is going to happen. I need to improve on adding more information into the story.

Please leave a positive comment on all of my blogs, especially other people. Have a great day!


Palm Oil

This week for Miss White’s reading group we learned how to look at two sides of an issue and form an opinion, to look at an issue and debate your opinion and palm oil.

What is palm oil? Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil derived from the mesocarp (reddish pulp) of the fruit of the oil palm. The oil is used in food manufacturing.

First, we had to discuss in a group what palm oil is. Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil derived from the mesocarp (reddish pulp) of the fruit of the oil palm. The oil is used in food manufacturing. For example: skittles are made out of palm oil.

Next, Miss White explained to us what we are supposed to do. We had to make a copy of the argumentation board and work through it.

Afterwards, we had to create a DLO explaining your opinion on “Should we continue to buy products with Palm Oil?”. Add some facts and pictures.

Lastly, we had to recount what you have learned on my blog.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at explaining what palm oil is. I need to improve on adding more details and facts into my DLO and google slide.

Palm Oil

This week for Miss White’s reading groups we learned about how to look at two sides of an issue and form an opinion, to look at an issue and debate your opinion, and palm oil.

What is palm oil? Palm oil is a type of edible vegetable oil that comes from any type of fruit of palm trees such as cat palm, windmill palm, bismarck palm, or just a normal palm tree. For example : There was a palm tree in front of your school with coconuts on top.

First, we had to discuss in a group what palm oil is. Palm oil is a type of edible vegetable oil that comes from any type of fruit of palm trees such as cat palm, windmill palm, bismarck palm, or just a normal palm tree. For example : Palm oil is a type of oil that contains fruit and palm trees inside.

Next, Miss White talked about palm oil. She told us what our tasks were. Our tasks were making a copy of the argumentation board and working through it. For the argumentation slide we had to answer the questions and write down why palm oil is bad. The titles were: Why is palm oil bad, palm oil products, use the question dice to write down questions of what you want to know about palm oil, notes, palm oil is bad, finding evidence to support inference. For palm oil products Miss White linked a countdown shopping. The reason why she linked the countdown shopping site is because she wants us to find 5 products that contain palm oil.

Afterwards, we had to watch one of the videos that talks about palm oil. After we finished watching the videos Miss White put in the google slide we had to write down notes that I found inside the video. For example : you’ll find many products you use everyday. It’s in everything from makeup and toothpaste to doughnut chocolates.

Lastly, we had to create a DLO explaining your opinion on “Should we continue to buy products with Palm Oil?”. We had to write down why it is bad for the environment, what products contain palm oil, and are there any alternatives? We had to pick one title to write about. I picked out why it is bad for the environment.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at explaining why it is bad for the environment. I need to improve on adding details into the DLO and the argumentation board.

Palm Oil

This week for Miss White’s reading group we learned how to look at two sides of an issue and form an opinion, to look at an issue and debate your opinion and palm oil.

What is palm oil? Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil derived from the mesocarp (reddish pulp) of the fruit of the oil palm. The oil is used in food manufacturing.

First, we had to discuss in a group what palm oil is. Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil derived from the mesocarp (reddish pulp) of the fruit of the oil palm. The oil is used in food manufacturing. For example: skittles are made out of palm oil.

Next, Miss White explained to us what we are supposed to do. We had to make a copy of the argumentation board and work through it.

Afterwards, we had to create a DLO explaining your opinion on “Should we continue to buy products with Palm Oil?”. Add some facts and pictures.

Lastly, we had to recount what you have learned on my blog.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at explaining what palm oil is. I need to improve on adding more details and facts into my DLO and google slide.