Tag: Writing

Abstract Noun Poem – Courage

LI: To use metaphors and senses to describe the noun by painting a picture with your words.

Our task was to write a poem about an abstract noun using the 5 sences, known as: Ofactory (smell), Gustatory (taste), Visual (see) tactile (touch) and auditory (hear). One of the noun my partner picked was courage, meaning being hold to strive forward. In each line/paragraph we described what we thought the abstract noun would look,smell, feel,hear and taste like. We then used wordhippo to change our words into more powerful and make our poem more developed.

I found this task fun because I get to enjoy writing poems about different things to learn more.

Moment in Time poem Maungarei

LI: To write a poem that describes a moment in time.

Our task was to create a poem about when we walked up the Maungarei (Mt Wellingtion). We were challenged to write each line, based on one of the 5 sences known as: Ofactory (smell), Gustatory (taste), Visual (see) tactile (touch) and auditory (hear).

I found this activity fun because I got to write about our trip to Maungarei.

Moment in Time poem Polar Bear

LI : To write a poem about a moment in time.

My task was to write a poem about a video of a polar bear. We were challenged to watch a video of a polar bear attempting to attack a man, and imagine we were him. First we wrote down some words and used wordhippo to change some of the words to level up our writing. Then we wrote lines based off of some of the 5 sences known as: Ofactory (smell), Gustatory (taste), Visual (see) tactile (touch) and auditory (hear).

I found this task fun because I got to find new words to level up my writing in work.

Finish it

Throughout this year, our Writing group has learnt different aspects of writing a narrative story.

This week’s task was to “finish” 6 stories we chose out of the slides Miss Tele’a provided.  My favourite ending I wrote was for the story the roll;er coaster one, because I did it better than the other ending of the stories. 

I did well at adding details. I need to improve on adding more information on to it. I enjoyed writing an ending on each different story.


This week for Miss Tele’a writing groups we learned about how to revise what we know about writing a recount using the tree structure.

What is a recount structure? A recount structure is written in the order in which they happened. This is called a chocological order. Uses reverbs such as : first, next, then, after, and lastly. Our structure is a tree. Tree stands for title, reveal, event, and ending.

First, Miss Tele’a explained to us about the recount. Recount is when you tell someone about something and to give an account of an event or experience. For example : I recounted the tale to steve. She also explained to us about the tree structure. T is for title, r is for reveal, e is for event, and e is for ending. The tree helps me do my blog better because it reminds me what to write.

Next, Miss Tele’a told us to make a copy of a DLO that talks about the tree structure. My task was to fill in the tree. For example : T – title.

Lastly, we finish completing the DLO recount. We had to complete our other tasks which is the imaginative recount planning frame. In the document you have to make up a new story and write in time connectives. (first,next,after,then,lastly).

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at writing down a recount story. I need to improve on adding more details into it.


In LS1, this term was full of exciting things like swimming, PE, and Art.

Thinking back on the last few months, I’m so happy about learning different types of things in reading, writing, maths, and inquiry espically the kapa haka.

I’ve been busy with all sorts of subjects, but the best part about Term 3 for me was learning about degrees in maths.

When it comes to reading, my favourite text I read was the hungry waves.

I most enjoyed learning about palm oil in reading because it talks about edible vegetable oil that is in lots of different snacks or foods such as skittles, froot loops, and other kinds.

Writing was super fun, especially when I got to read my speech to my little group.

My favourite task in writing this term was the speech because we get to tell people about subjects and different types of information to others.

In Maths, I especially enjoyed when we learnt about place value because it helps us learn how to subtract three digit numbers by breaking the numbers into ones, tens and hundreds

For our special Inquiry experiments, I really enjoyed dancing raisins because it was cool and the raisins started to dance around, especially the nuts. It is funny and cool to watch them move around the whole block.

In P.E. (Physical Education), I had a blast participating in it because I listened to the teacher so I knew what I was doing.

I learnt how to dive in the swimming pool and it was hard but I got used to it and learned how to dive under the water.


Narrative Writing

This week for Miss Tele’a writing groups we learned about revising what we know about narratives, revise character traits, and demonstrate a character analysis.

What is narrative writing? Narrative writing tells stories, and stories help us connect with others. They are written to entertain and to share experiences with a reader. Narratives can be written in many mediums, such as novels, short stories, poems, diaries, and even biographies.

First, we had to discuss in a group what narrative writing is. Narrative writing tells stories, and stories help us connect with others. They are written to entertain and to share experiences with a reader. Narratives can be written in many mediums, such as novels, short stories, poems, diaries, and even biographies. For example : A guy called Dwayne Johnston was telling stories to his friends called the heavens of god.

Next, Miss Tele’a explained a game that talks about narrative writing. The game was called the crossboss that revised your knowledge of the vocabulary and terms we use in Narrative Writing by playing. I won and completed all of the levels.

Then, we had to revise vocabulary and terms we use when crafting narrative stories. We also had to drag the vocabulary from the word bank to the definition it matches with. For example : A story that describes events, characters, and a plot matches with narrative. There were 3 of these vocabulary words.

Afterwards, we had to read the short narrative story “The Star Seekers” carefully and individually. In this short story it talks about 2 friends going out at night. Then when we finished reading the short story we had to highlight all the characters in blue, settings in orange, and adjectives in pink. For example : The characters were Adam and Eve, so you highlight Adam and Eve because they’re the characters in the story. Next we had to build strong characters. But we first started off by revising character traits and physical characteristics. We had to sort the traits by dragging them into the correct column. Physical traits can be seen just by looking at the character and for traits can be seen in who the character is on the inside. After we finished we had to pick 1 female character and 1 male character and delete the slides I am not using for my story. There was 4 character, 2 male and 2 female.

Lastly, we had to demonstrate a character analysis. I had to make a copy of the character Analysis template.  Choose a character from a narrative you have read or watched. We had to think of a name for the character, physical appearance, personality traits, motivations & goals, and relationships.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at thinking of a name for the character. I need to improve my thinking of a basic name for the other character.


Speech Competition

This week we watched people who made it to the final performing their speech.

What is speech? Speech is the form of language that people can hear. People use speeches to communicate with others and what is going on.

First, we lined up and walked into the hall quietly and respectfully to show respect to the speakers. The speakers were Micaela, Keira, Hasna, Sunny, Chelle, Mahdi, Marcel, and other people.

Next, Ms Anderson talked to us about the rules for us while watching the speakers talk about their topic. The first person was Micaela. She is a year 4 and came on stage standing straight, giving some eye contact, and other stuff. Her topic was about starting school at 10pm. My favourite thing about her topic is that she gave lots of facts and details.

Then, the next person was Ahu. Ahu is a year 3 and came on stage confident to talk about his speech. My favourite part about Ahu’s topic/speech is that he gave lots of confidence, eye contact, information, and more details.

After that, the third person was Keira. Keira is a year 7 and came on stage giving lots of eye contact, and using her mouth to flow and her voice is loud and clear. Keira’s topic is about gender bias. My favourite part of her speech is that she was able to smile and look proud of herself. The fourth person was Hasna. Hasna is a year 6 and came onto stage to talk about her speech. Her topic is about ocean pollution. When we were talking she knew some of her parts by heart. My favourite part about her speech is that she did well at explaining how many marine animals are or have died.

Lastly, the last person was Marcel, Marcel is a year 5 and is the best speech. He came into stage with no cue cards in his hands. My favourite part is that he knew all of his speech off by heart, gave lots of contact threw the whole speech, he also used hand signals. The winner was everyone but Marcel got 3 certificates because he didn’t need cue cards and he knew it off by heart.

Congrats to everyone!

I enjoyed listening to the speakers. I did well at participating.

The Five Story Elements

This week for Miss Tele’a writing groups we learned about how to understand the elements that makes a narrative compelling and to apply narrative elements to our writing.

What is narrative? Narrative tells stories, and stories helps us connect with each other’s. Narrative can be written in many mediums, such as novels, short stories, poems, diaries, and even biograph.

First, Miss Tele’a showed us the 6 different narrative genres. They were mystery, fantasy, action, horror, romance, and detective. We also learned about the 5 story elements. Which were character, plot, setting, conflict, and theme. Character are the who of the story. Setting is the where and when of the story. The plot is what of the story. Conflict is the why of the story. And Theme is the message of the story.

Next, we watched a video that talks about the 5 elements, and it explains what it is. The 5 elements are character, setting, plot, conflict, and theme.

After, we played a game called kahoot. In the kahoot Miss Tele’a wrote down questions and we have to answer them correctly which talks about what the 5 elements is. I came 11th place with a year 5 called Valencia.

Lastly, we had to make a copy of a DLO and figure out a movie we are going to talk about using the 5 elements story. I chose Shrek because it’s really interesting.


This week for Miss Tele’a writing group we learned about how to create a suspenseful beginning through imagery and dialogue.

Suspenseful means creating a feeling of excitement and uncertainty about what will happen next.

Imagery means using descriptive language to create vivid mental picture or sensory experiences.

Dialogue is a conversation between characters in a story or play. It helps reveal information, develop characters, and move the plot forward.

First, we had to discuss in a group what suspenseful means. Suspenseful means creating a feeling of excitement and uncertainty about what will happen next.

Next, Miss Tele’a showed us 2 different videos to watch, and we had to think what those videos has in common and the same thing. The first video was about a man at space jumping off at space. The second video was about one girl and one boy getting scared because there were 2 dinosaurs that were dangerous, and they tried to hide until they got caught from it and got chased.

After, we finished watching the movie Miss Tele’a gave us a whiteboard each for our teammate to figure out what the video has in common and the same thing. I said “They were going to die” because in the first video the person jumped off from space, they could have died and for the second video they were going to die because the 2 dinosaurs started to chase them which was scary. Vaingalo said “They almost got caught”.

Then, Miss Tele’a read out a story for us to imagery and write down what I could we could hear, see, feel, smell, taste, think. The story said “Wind howled through the night, carrying a scent that would change the world. A tall Shade lifted his head and sniffed the air. He looked human except for his crimson hair and maroon eyes. He blinked in surprise. The message had been correct: they were here. Or was it a trap? He weighed the odds, then said icily, “Spread out; hide behind trees and bushes. Stop whoever is coming . . . or die.”

We also had to imagine & write your own beginning. For example: The weather condition will be rain and wind – crashing and howling. Smell will be Air – coming in my nose Fresh,frosty,wind.

Lastly, we had to write down our own story by using our notes we were planning. For my story I said “The rain and wind crashed through the night carrying a smell of air that would change the world. A girl named Olivia lifted her head and opening her eyes. She looked like a human except for her maroon eyes and black hair. She blinked in surprise. The message had been correct: they were here. Or Am I going to die? He weighed the odds, then said “Come over here” “Okay I’m coming”.

I enjoyed doing this task about suspenseful. I did well at explaining what suspenseful mean. I need to improve on adding more details into my story I made.

This is my google slide (work) I made!