Day: March 22, 2024

Abstract Noun Poem – Courage

LI: To use metaphors and senses to describe the noun by painting a picture with your words.

Our task was to write a poem about an abstract noun using the 5 sences, known as: Ofactory (smell), Gustatory (taste), Visual (see) tactile (touch) and auditory (hear). One of the noun my partner picked was courage, meaning being hold to strive forward. In each line/paragraph we described what we thought the abstract noun would look,smell, feel,hear and taste like. We then used wordhippo to change our words into more powerful and make our poem more developed.

I found this task fun because I get to enjoy writing poems about different things to learn more.

Moment in Time poem Maungarei

LI: To write a poem that describes a moment in time.

Our task was to create a poem about when we walked up the Maungarei (Mt Wellingtion). We were challenged to write each line, based on one of the 5 sences known as: Ofactory (smell), Gustatory (taste), Visual (see) tactile (touch) and auditory (hear).

I found this activity fun because I got to write about our trip to Maungarei.

Moment in Time poem Polar Bear

LI : To write a poem about a moment in time.

My task was to write a poem about a video of a polar bear. We were challenged to watch a video of a polar bear attempting to attack a man, and imagine we were him. First we wrote down some words and used wordhippo to change some of the words to level up our writing. Then we wrote lines based off of some of the 5 sences known as: Ofactory (smell), Gustatory (taste), Visual (see) tactile (touch) and auditory (hear).

I found this task fun because I got to find new words to level up my writing in work.