Tag: Reading

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

This week for Miss White’s reading group we learned about the great pacific garbage patch, synthesizing, think about two sides of an issue, and to use prior knowledge and new ideas to create a new thought, idea, opinion or perspective.

What is the great pacific garbage patch? The great pacific garbage patch is three times the size of France and is the world’s biggest ocean waste repository, with 1.8 billion pieces of floating plastic which kill thousands of marine animals each year.

What is synthesizing? Synthesizing is where you put together prior knowledge and new ideas/information to create a new idea.

First, we had to discuss in a group what the great pacific garbage patch is and what is synthesizing. Great pacific garbage patch is a type of marine in the ocean where lots of plastic or type of rubbish is in. Synthesizing is where you think about two side of an issue.

Next, we had to make a copy of a document called synthesizing. We had to write down point 1 view. Point 1 view means that you have to write down yes of what people think’s about rubbish. Point 2 view means you have to write down the answer no of what the other people thinks and opinion means that you have to write down your answer or opinion about rubbish.

Lastly, we had to make a DLO explanning about the great pacific garbage patch. We had to write down what it is, where it is, how do you help it, and how do you prevent rubbish pollution. I made a animation about the great pacific garbage patch because I thought it will be cool and creative.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at explanning what the great pacific garbage patch is. I need to improve on adding more details.


Synthesizing and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

This week for Miss White reading groups we learned to think about two sides of the issue, to use prior knowledge and new ideas to create a new thought, idea, opinion or perspective. And we also learned about the great pacific garbage patch.

What is synthesising? Synthesising is where you are putting together prior knowledge and new ideas/information to create a new idea.

What is the great pacific garbage patch? The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a type of marine collection of marine in the ocean. Marine is litter that ends up in oceans, seas, and other large bodies of water.

First, we had to discuss in a group what the great pacific garbage patch is. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a type of marine collection of marine in the ocean. Marine is a litter that ends up in oceans, seas, and other large bodies of water.

Next, we had to go through the questions and read the story about if any kind of school should do the great pacific garbage patch free challenge for only tuesday. The questions were, “Predict what you think this text might be about ” and “what do you already know about plastic?”. The answer to predict why you think this text is about. I wrote down “I think this text is gonna be about kids from school picking up plastic rubbish and putting it in a special bin”.

Then, we had to define the 6 different types of words that talk about the great pacific garbage patch. The words were, Great pacific garbage patch, tangled, injured, marine animals, plastic, and collect. For the great pacific garbage patch I had to research what the definition is for the great pacific garbage patch it came up with saying “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a collection of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean”. After we finished answering all of the questions we had to think and discuss in a group if PBS should try the plastic free challenge. For my answer I said yes we should because there is lots of plastic and rubbish everywhere and people are not putting it in the rubbish bin and it ends up going in the ocean or other types of bodies of water.

Afterwards, we had to make a copy of a google document that we had to think about two sides of an issue. There are 3 types of template we have to write down. They are called point view 1 which means they have to write down if they should do the challenge, point view 2 means that they have to write down if they should not do the challenge and last and not least my opinion. My opinion means it’s your opinion to tell others if they should do it and write down the reason why they should or not.

Lastly, we had to make a google slide or a DLO about the great pacific garbage patch. In the google slide or DLO we had to write down the questions which are what is it, where is it, how do we help it, and how do we prevent rubbish pollution.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at explanning what the great pacific garbage patch is. I need to improve on adding more details.

Word Work

This week for Miss White reading groups we learned to find important words and to understand what important words are.

What are important words? Important words are marked by or indicative of significant worth or consequence.

First, we had to read a book called the hungry waves. In this story it talks about the survivors of the earthquake and tsunami that struck Tonga and Sāmoa. This story is also a type of narrative. For example: There was a demon in the story and he made earthquakes and tsunamis. When we finished reading the story Miss White asked us questions of what happened in the story.

Next, we had to make a copy of a google slide that is called the framework and in the google slide it has ideas and information about the hungry waves. For example: Miss White wrote down a sentence that says “The fale was silent that morning. The only sound heard by all was his foot stamping. The roof as clattering. Loud cries of Mafui’e engulfed the atmosphere like a thick mist descending on the morning hillside. Ana and her siblings were getting ready for school.“Mafui’e why do you need to stamp your feet so close to me?”.

Then, we had to write down our own sentences. We had to write down what happened in the story. We had to use in the story place, time, noun/thing, something in the air, noun/thing, name the person and what they are doing at the place, and complete the question the person is thinking. For example: for the place I would say village, for time I will say morning, for noun/thing I will say his foot loudly stomping.

After, we had to create a DLO using 2 of the words and write your own definition for them. Include pictures and make it interesting.

Lastly, we had to write down what we can see, hear, feel – emotions, taste, smell that talks about the feelings in the story. In see I wrote down shaking, villages moving, tv crashing, people running, water going out, black mountain, and broken plants. For hear I wrote down shouts of Mafui’e, fish splashing, screaming, breaking,  shattering, clashing, splashing, rumbling, and smashing. For feel – emotions I wrote down scared, water, things brushing against your legs, glass, wind, afraid, tumbling, hungry, cold.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at explaining what important words are. I need to improve on putting more details and basic stuff on the DLO.

This is my framework I wrote down: The village was silent that morning. The only sound heard by all was his foot loudly stomping. The roof was shaking because of the earthquake. Loud cries of Ana and Ma’fuei engulfed the loudly and thumping Mafui’e. Ana and Ma’fuei was arguing with each other because Ana didn’t want the demon (Ma’fuei) there. “Ma’fuei why do you have to be so mad and stomping so loud around the village?”.

Word Work

This week for Miss White reading groups we learned about finding important words & to understand what important words are.

Important words are meaning to, value, or quality. They can also be used to describe people, things, or ideas or important words that unlock new information.

First, we had to talk in a group about what important words are or are. Important words are meaning to, value, or quality. They can also be used to describe people, things, or ideas or important words that unlock new information.

Next, Miss White gave us a book to read. The book was called the hungry waves. In the story it talks about earthquakes, tsunamis, and family. When we finished reading the first page Miss White asks the question of what happened in the story. She told me “What was the definition of the bumps on the ocean they said?”. The answer was the huge black mountain.

Then, we had to go on the google document Miss White made for Group 2 – 3. Miss White said that we had to read through the questions, and she asked individual people to search up …. and look for the defined word. The options were, braided, winced, clattered, crest, mountainside, fragments, impatiently, frowned, and churning. Miss White told me “Brooke please look up the defining word for braided”. I searched it up and we had to copy and paste it into the google document comment. The reveal was “Braided is a type of finger weaving, braiding is a process of interlacing lengths of hair”.

Lastly, when we finished all of the questions and answered it, Miss White put 2 links that were connected to the google slide and we had to make a copy and write down …… We had to write down which would you choose. The options were, which would you rather interact with – sand or mud, which would be easier to confine – wave or air, which would you rather pay attention to – a puppy or your laptop, or what are you more fearful of – heights or dogs on the field? For sand or mud, I picked sand because it is basically easier to come off your skin but not mud because it’s dirty and it will stain your clothes or skin.


This week we learned about visualizing and how to create a mental picture using description.

Visualizing is to make a mental picture based on a description or text you have written about.

First, we had to discuss with our partner what visualizing is/mean. Visualizing is to make a mental picture based on a description or text you have written about.

Next, we had to make a copy of a document and write down a story for a partner to draw. We had to use adjective to help us describe the piece of work. For example: Olivia was so excited to visit Samoa. My partner will draw a girl being excited, and a land that looks like Samoa.

Lastly, my partner (Cattaleya) had to make a copy of a google draw that talks about the 4 different type of visualizing which are what can be seen, heard, felt, smelt (smell), or tasted. For example: If the story says, ” I can see trees”. The visualizing will be seen because it says you can see trees which belongs to the see section.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at explaning what visualizing is. I need to improve on adding more details onto the google draw.

My Storybook

This week for reading we learned about an app called My Storybook.

My Storybook is an app that is for children that combines drawing, stickers, photos, voices, text to use language, and creativity in a multi-page book.

First, I had to read a book called The Great Hill by Dainel Errico & illustrated by Dawn Hill. The Great hill talks about the Yolks, who live at the top of the Great Hill. For example: My name was Evole and I was part of the yolk family who lives at the top of the hill. I will always knock before shouting the names of the people who live there.

Next, Miss White told us that we had to go on an app called my storybook. My storybook is for childrens that can combine their drawings or any creative object into the page.

Then, I had to make a story I made up called how friends get together. My story talks about Evole and Nina getting along together as friends and facts about how people get along with each other.

Lastly, I had to write down the story text. I said “Once upon a time there was a girl called Evolve that was lonely with no friends. She started a new highschool called Henderson ”. For the first paragraph.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at writing down the story text of hat happened. I need to improve on adding more information about the story called how friends get along together.


This week for reading we learned about how to visualise (make a metal picture).

Visualise or Visualizing means to make a metal picture based on a description or text.

First, we had to identifying specific nouns, verbs, adjectives by thinking about what can be seen, heard, felt, smelt (smell), or tasted. Noun is a word used to identify any of class of people, places, or things. Verb is a word that expresses action, state of being, or a relation between two things in a sentence. Adjective is a word describes a noun it also provides more information about the noun.

Next, we had to listen to Miss White that reads a type of story and we had to draw what we have heard on our book. For example: If she said “there was gummy bears on the bushes” I would draw gummy bears on a bush.

After, we had to compare our piece of work to someone else so we can share and see each other’s drawing that compares to the story.

Lastly, we had to make a google draw and compare the drawing in our book into the google slide and change stuff around. For example: I drew in our google draw a green bush with different type of color gummy bear.

I enjoyed learning about visualizing. I did well at listening to the story that the teacher read out. I need to improve on adding more details to the google drawing.

Keywords & Goldilocks

Last week for Reading we learned about keywords & Goldilocks.

Keywords is an important word that unlocks a new information. For example: I got a key and unlocked a new information called she. Goldilocks is a type of girl that walks in the forest but then found a house.

First, I had to read a book called Goldilocks. In the book it talks about how Goldilocks went for a walk in the forest and found a house and broke into the house. She realized that there were 3 bears living in the house. For example: I saw a house and started to break into it because I was hungry.

Next when I finished reading the book about Goldilocks, I had to highlight the keywords that are important. One of the keywords in the story was porridge because it tells in the story that she ate the first porridge, second porridge, and third porridge.

Lastly, I had to create a DLO called “Key Word Hunt”. I had to explain what keywords and phrases are & I had to also write notes in the boxes about things I think are important in the text, details, and what’s in the pictures and possible keywords.

I enjoyed reading the story called Goldilocks. I did well at highlighting the keywords in the story. I need to improve on that I need to add more details to the DLO.

Contrast & Comparing

This week for reading I learned about Comparing & Contrast & to be able to compare and contrast two or three ideas.

Comparing is to notice the similarities and differences between two things. Contrast is a type of state of being someone else or close.

First I had to talk in a group about comparing & contrasting. Comparing is to notice the similarities and differences between two things. For example : The dirty water has buildings around it but the clean water doesn’t.

Next I had to look at two of the rivers that I have to talk about for comparing & contrasting. Each of the rivers were clean & dirty. For example : The dirty water has plastic bottles in it.

Then I had to write down the title of what I’m gonna talk about. For example : My title will be clean water & dirty water.

Lastly I had to write down the similarities & differences about the river. For example : This river is so badly polluted no living things would be able to survive. People can not use this river for recreational activities and the entire ecosystem surrounding this river has completely broken down.

I enjoyed learning more about comparing. I did well at writing down the differences. I need to improve on adding more details.

SSR Selfie

This week I learned about SSR Selfie.

SSR stands for Sustanied Silent Reading. Sustained silent reading is where students read silently read in school and out of school.

First I had to choose a book and had to read the book for 10 minutes. For example  : I picked a book called goosebumps and I decieded to read it for 10 minutes.

Next I had to write down the main characters that were in the book that you talked about. The main characters were Sonny, Slappy, Sarah, Mum, and Dad.

Then I had to write down the illustrations of the person who wrote the story in words. For example : the illustrations is Rob Lieber.

Lastly I had to list 3 new words I don’t know in my own meanings. For example : I picked dangerous and said “Dangerous is something bad that happened often”.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at listing 3 words in my own meanings. I need to improve on writing something down basic.