Day: June 16, 2023

Ki O Rahi

This week for HPE we learned how to play Ki o Rahi.

Rules for Ki O Rahi : Ki O Rahi are 5 minute quarters with an immediate change at quarter time and a 2 minute break at half time. The sport is non-contact but players wear a belt holding two velcro tags around their waist. Shirts must be tucked in at all times. No watches or other jewellery are allowed to be worn during play.

First, Coach Lucas teaches us what Ki o Rahi is. Ki o Rahi is a Maori game. if you have the ball you have to run and touch the long yellow stick. When you touch it all you have to try and score by touching the middle with the ball. If you are near the bin (tupu) you have to try and block the ball from touching it so the other team doesn’t get a score. You first have to wear a belt and 2 ripper tags on the side of your hips. if your teammate passes the ball to you, you have to catch it and throw it at the tupu to get a point.

Next, Lucas told us what equipment we need. We need 1 tupu (central target), approx 40 gallon drum or rubbish bin, 7 pou, Ki woven flax ball, normal ball, and field marking. 

Afterwards, Lucas picked people to be in the red team and yellow team. I was on the red team. For example: he picked a boy to be in the red team and the other team yellow.

Lastly, we had one more round to see who won the game. The team who won was the red team.

I enjoyed doing HPE. I did well at catching the ball and passing it on to the others. I need to improve on being the target.

Food Safety

This week for inquiry we learned about how can we ensure ingredients/food is safe to eat & food safety guide.

Food safety means knowing how to buy, prepare, and store food to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria that cause foodborne illnesses. Always wash your hands with warm water and soap before preparing foods and after handling raw meat, poultry, fish, or eggs.

First, we had to discuss in a group what food safety is. Food safety is where you buy or prepare food to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria.

Next, we watched video (music song) that talks about the 4 different type of ways to keep the bacteria away from the foods. They are clean, seperate, cook, and chill. Clean is where you have to wash your hands and utensils to avoid spreading bacteria when preparing food. Separate is where you use different cutting boards for meat, poultry, seafood, and veggies. Cook is where you can’t tell it’s done by how it looks & chill is where you keep the fridge at 40 °F or below to keep bacteria from growing.

Then, we had to define 6 words and terms. For example : I picked bacteria and define the word by saying “Bacteria – are tiny, single-celled organisms that get nutrients from their environments”.

After we had to explain what the 5 different words/sentence is. They are washing fruits and veggies,proper cooking temperture, food storage and handling, food expiration dates, and food allergies.

Lastly we had to make a DLO explanng the 4 different type of ways to keep the bacteria way from fruit, meat, and veggies.


This week for reading we learned about how to visualise (make a metal picture).

Visualise or Visualizing means to make a metal picture based on a description or text.

First, we had to identifying specific nouns, verbs, adjectives by thinking about what can be seen, heard, felt, smelt (smell), or tasted. Noun is a word used to identify any of class of people, places, or things. Verb is a word that expresses action, state of being, or a relation between two things in a sentence. Adjective is a word describes a noun it also provides more information about the noun.

Next, we had to listen to Miss White that reads a type of story and we had to draw what we have heard on our book. For example: If she said “there was gummy bears on the bushes” I would draw gummy bears on a bush.

After, we had to compare our piece of work to someone else so we can share and see each other’s drawing that compares to the story.

Lastly, we had to make a google draw and compare the drawing in our book into the google slide and change stuff around. For example: I drew in our google draw a green bush with different type of color gummy bear.

I enjoyed learning about visualizing. I did well at listening to the story that the teacher read out. I need to improve on adding more details to the google drawing.