Day: December 12, 2022


This week I learned what an Evaluation is.

Evaluation is when you have to think about two sides of an issue.

First I had to discuss with my group if we should allowed pets on trains or buses. I say no because they might not behave or be a respectful pet to other people who are on the buses or trains.

Next I had to read information about Furry companions allowed to ride Auckland trains and buses. It says in the story that Anne Batley Burton suggested there could be a special carriage for pets in trains and buses.

Then I had to write down some information about why we should allow pets on transport or why we should not allow pets on transport.

I enjoyed learning about why we should allow pets on transport and why we should NOT allow pets on transport. I did well at explaining why we should allow pets on transport. I need to improve on explaining more information about why we say yes and no.