Day: March 22, 2023

Freatures Of A Bar Graph & Tally Chart

This week I learned about the features of a bar graph & tally chart.

A Bar Graph is a diagram in which the numerical values of variables are represented by bars. Tally Chart is what they use to collect data quickly and efficiently.

First I had to talk about what is a bar graph and a tally chart. A tally chart is basically what people use to count or collect data quickly.

Next I had to think about what they use for a bar graph. What they use is, X axis, Y axis, Categories/labels, title, and a scale. Those are the stuff you need to use for a bar graph.

Lastly I had to make a Graph of a Tally chart. For example : I can explain on the top what a bar graph and a tally chart is.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at making a tally chart. I need to improve on putting in some design.


This week I have been learning about the significance of pepeha in Maori Culture. It allows us to make connections to family, iwi, and the natural world.

A Pepeha Tells You How strong your Connection is to Land. For example : your strong connection to the land is your culture or family.

First I had to talk about my pepeha which is basically all about me. For example : Ko Maungarei tōku maunga (mountain). This is my maunga which is mountain.

Next I had to write down my mountain, river, tribe, home/community, and school. For example : you might wanna say your river is tamaki or your tribe is Ngate Houma.

Then I had to practise reading it out with my mouth open. I practise lots and lots of time until I finally know it.

After I had to record my voice by reading or saying it out. For example : Ko Maungarei tōku maunga (mountain) or Ko Tamaki tōku awa (river).

Lastly, I had to make a DLO and draw my pepeha. For example : I would draw my home, my school logo, or even my mountain.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at drawing my pepeha. I need to improve on drawing more pictures.