Day: May 8, 2023

Basic Facts Boxes

This week for Can Dos I learned about Basic Facts Boxes that’s part of math’s.

Basic Facts Boxes is a type of Math game that you sort out the answers. For example: 1+1=2.

First, I had to figure out which one I want to do for math’s. The options were plus, minus, and multiplications. I picked minus because I was thinking that it is the best way to start off with. I also had to pick another option. The options were, random, and order. I picked order because I think the same as minus.

Next, I had to start off by figuring out the answers for the math’s. The minus was easy for me. For example: 20-1= 19, 19-1=18.

Lastly, I had to press check when I finished answering the math problem. For example: when you finish answering your problem of math’s you had to press check to see if you got some wrong, some correct.

I enjoyed learning about basic facts boxes. I did well at answering the problems or solving the problems. I need to improve on moving on to the multiplications.

Keywords & Goldilocks

Last week for Reading we learned about keywords & Goldilocks.

Keywords is an important word that unlocks a new information. For example: I got a key and unlocked a new information called she. Goldilocks is a type of girl that walks in the forest but then found a house.

First, I had to read a book called Goldilocks. In the book it talks about how Goldilocks went for a walk in the forest and found a house and broke into the house. She realized that there were 3 bears living in the house. For example: I saw a house and started to break into it because I was hungry.

Next when I finished reading the book about Goldilocks, I had to highlight the keywords that are important. One of the keywords in the story was porridge because it tells in the story that she ate the first porridge, second porridge, and third porridge.

Lastly, I had to create a DLO called “Key Word Hunt”. I had to explain what keywords and phrases are & I had to also write notes in the boxes about things I think are important in the text, details, and what’s in the pictures and possible keywords.

I enjoyed reading the story called Goldilocks. I did well at highlighting the keywords in the story. I need to improve on that I need to add more details to the DLO.