Day: July 20, 2023

Word Work

This week for Miss White reading groups we learned about finding important words & to understand what important words are.

Important words are meaning to, value, or quality. They can also be used to describe people, things, or ideas or important words that unlock new information.

First, we had to talk in a group about what important words are or are. Important words are meaning to, value, or quality. They can also be used to describe people, things, or ideas or important words that unlock new information.

Next, Miss White gave us a book to read. The book was called the hungry waves. In the story it talks about earthquakes, tsunamis, and family. When we finished reading the first page Miss White asks the question of what happened in the story. She told me “What was the definition of the bumps on the ocean they said?”. The answer was the huge black mountain.

Then, we had to go on the google document Miss White made for Group 2 – 3. Miss White said that we had to read through the questions, and she asked individual people to search up …. and look for the defined word. The options were, braided, winced, clattered, crest, mountainside, fragments, impatiently, frowned, and churning. Miss White told me “Brooke please look up the defining word for braided”. I searched it up and we had to copy and paste it into the google document comment. The reveal was “Braided is a type of finger weaving, braiding is a process of interlacing lengths of hair”.

Lastly, when we finished all of the questions and answered it, Miss White put 2 links that were connected to the google slide and we had to make a copy and write down …… We had to write down which would you choose. The options were, which would you rather interact with – sand or mud, which would be easier to confine – wave or air, which would you rather pay attention to – a puppy or your laptop, or what are you more fearful of – heights or dogs on the field? For sand or mud, I picked sand because it is basically easier to come off your skin but not mud because it’s dirty and it will stain your clothes or skin.

The Five Story Elements

This week for Miss Tele’a writing groups we learned about how to understand the elements that makes a narrative compelling and to apply narrative elements to our writing.

What is narrative? Narrative tells stories, and stories helps us connect with each other’s. Narrative can be written in many mediums, such as novels, short stories, poems, diaries, and even biograph.

First, Miss Tele’a showed us the 6 different narrative genres. They were mystery, fantasy, action, horror, romance, and detective. We also learned about the 5 story elements. Which were character, plot, setting, conflict, and theme. Character are the who of the story. Setting is the where and when of the story. The plot is what of the story. Conflict is the why of the story. And Theme is the message of the story.

Next, we watched a video that talks about the 5 elements, and it explains what it is. The 5 elements are character, setting, plot, conflict, and theme.

After, we played a game called kahoot. In the kahoot Miss Tele’a wrote down questions and we have to answer them correctly which talks about what the 5 elements is. I came 11th place with a year 5 called Valencia.

Lastly, we had to make a copy of a DLO and figure out a movie we are going to talk about using the 5 elements story. I chose Shrek because it’s really interesting.

All About Marie Curie

Marie Curie was born on the 7th of November in 1867, She was born in Poland, She was well known for her discovered polonium and radium as well.  Her celebrated use of radiation in medicine changed our understanding of radioactivity. She did lots of discovery of radium and polonium.

Field of Study : 

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • She was a pioneer in these areas of study.
  • Fun Facts : 
  •  She studied in Paris.
  •  Marie Curie and her husband discovered polonium.
  •  They also discovered radium.
  •  She was awarded a second nobel prize.
  •  A hospital was named after her.

This week for Miss Tele’a’s inquiry task we were learning how to understand what a scientist is.

Scientists are individuals who conduct research and investigate the world around us.

First, we had to talk to our partner next to us and tell or ask them what a scientist is. Scientists are individuals who conduct research and investigate the world around us.

Next, Miss Tele’a explained  6 different examples of people who work and are scientists. The 6 different types of people were Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Jacqueline Beggs, Rosalind Franklin, Peter Buck, and Thomas Edison. Marie Curie is a physicist and chemist, Albert Einstein is a physicist. Jacqueline Beggs is an entomologist. Rosalind Franklin is a chemist. Peter Buck is an anthropologist. Thomas Edison is a scientist and inventor.

Lastly, we had to make a copy of a DLO that is an infographic of the scientist we chose.  I picked Marie Curie because I don’t know her and I want to know a little more about her.