
This week I learned about what recount is?

First I learned about what recount is? Recount tells someone something what just happened. For example : your friend and your other friend had the food first.

Next I learned about the 3 different languge feature which is needed in a recount which is past tense, adjective, and time connections.

Then I had to find the 4 words we need which is title, reveal, events, and ending. These are also the words we need for tree in a sentences. I have to highlight the title purple, reveal red, events blue, and ending green.

Lastly I had to find the past tense, adjective, and time connections in a google doc which is called Recount Exempler. For example : drove is a past tense word which I highlight in light blue.

I enjoyed looking for the 4 different languge. I did well on highlighting the words. I need to improve on finding more languge feature.

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