Palm Oil

This week for Miss White’s reading groups we learned about how to look at two sides of an issue and form an opinion, to look at an issue and debate your opinion, and palm oil.

What is palm oil? Palm oil is a type of edible vegetable oil that comes from any type of fruit of palm trees such as cat palm, windmill palm, bismarck palm, or just a normal palm tree. For example : There was a palm tree in front of your school with coconuts on top.

First, we had to discuss in a group what palm oil is. Palm oil is a type of edible vegetable oil that comes from any type of fruit of palm trees such as cat palm, windmill palm, bismarck palm, or just a normal palm tree. For example : Palm oil is a type of oil that contains fruit and palm trees inside.

Next, Miss White talked about palm oil. She told us what our tasks were. Our tasks were making a copy of the argumentation board and working through it. For the argumentation slide we had to answer the questions and write down why palm oil is bad. The titles were: Why is palm oil bad, palm oil products, use the question dice to write down questions of what you want to know about palm oil, notes, palm oil is bad, finding evidence to support inference. For palm oil products Miss White linked a countdown shopping. The reason why she linked the countdown shopping site is because she wants us to find 5 products that contain palm oil.

Afterwards, we had to watch one of the videos that talks about palm oil. After we finished watching the videos Miss White put in the google slide we had to write down notes that I found inside the video. For example : you’ll find many products you use everyday. It’s in everything from makeup and toothpaste to doughnut chocolates.

Lastly, we had to create a DLO explaining your opinion on “Should we continue to buy products with Palm Oil?”. We had to write down why it is bad for the environment, what products contain palm oil, and are there any alternatives? We had to pick one title to write about. I picked out why it is bad for the environment.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at explaining why it is bad for the environment. I need to improve on adding details into the DLO and the argumentation board.

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