This week for Miss White maths group, we learned about revision number knowledge.
Tip : highlight the numbers and words that help you come up with a number problem to solve it.
First, Miss White explained to us what is happening next week. In week 2 we will be having testing week. Work through the revision sheet. Make sure you read the problems carefully and figure out which operation problem to solve.
Next, we had to make a copy of the maths revision. It has section 1 and 2 which is addition, section 3 which is word problems, section4 which is subtraction word problem, section 5 which is challenging. In section 1 and 2 there are 20 additions to solve, in section 3 there are 10 to solve, in section 4 there are 10 to solve, And for section 5 there are 5 to answer and solve. In all of the sections I got 100/100.
Lastly, when we finished all of the section, Miss White told us to go on the mat with our chromebook’s so we can tick them if it is wrong or right. In section 1, I got 10/10, in section 2, I got 10/10, in section 3, I got 10/10, In section 4 I got 10/10 and last and for least section 5. I got 9/10.
I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at solving the questions. I need to improve on section 5 to get 10/10.