Year: 2022

Attempt New Things & Ask for Help

This week I learned about Attempt New Things & Ask for Help.

First I had to discuss new things & ask for help. For example : Meeting new people. Meeting new people is scary because I really don’t know much about the person that’s one of my family’s friends.

Next I had to make a google draw about the scary things you were shy or scared of. I talked about meeting new people because I get scared of people I don’t know.

Lastly I had to write down some facts about meeting new people. For example : It’s very scary meeting new people because you haven’t or I haven’t met them before and don’t know much about the person you met.

I enjoyed learning new things & ask for help. I did well at writing down. I need to improve on writing more down.


This week I learned about synthesising about cars.

First I had to find facts about cars on a video called the history of cars for kids. It talks about lots of different cars. For example : modern cars, and old cars.

Next I had to watch a video about cars and write them down onto a document called synthesising template.

Lastly I had to write down some sentence and information about cars that i already know, what I read in the text, and my new understanding.

I enjoyed doing this task because it talks about modern cars and old cars. I did well at writing down on the document. I need to improve on writing down good facts about cars.

Time and Distance

This week I learned about Time and Distance.

First I had to get into groups of 3 to 4 people. Time is when you time a person while they are running and Distance is how far you can go.

Next I opened a google doc and I created a table. I put our group members name and put them on the table. I had to put 4m, 6m, 8m and 10m onto the table.

Lastly I got a measuring tape to measure our distance and I record with the LS1 phone to time each person in my group. I also had to do it on the court. When we record I have to put it on the table onto the document.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well on measuring. I need to improve on getting faster.

SSR Selfie

This week I read a book called Smile.

First I had to read 15 or 14 pages of a book. I read 14 pages of a book called smile.

Next I had to open a google slide and select on SSR Selfie – Ficton.

Then I had to write down what happened in the story so far. For example : Raina just wants to be a normal sixth grader. But one night after Girl Scouts she trips and falls, severely injuring her two front teeth. What follows is a long and frustrating journey with on-again braces, surgery, embarrassing headgear, and even a retainer with fake teeth attached. And on top of all that, there’s still more to deal with: a major earthquake, boy confusion, and friends who turn out to be not so friendly. Raina’s story takes us from middle school to high school, where she discovers her artistic voice, finds out what true friendship really means, and where she can finally . . . smile.

After I had find 2 different type of topic which is, who are the author or illustrator of the book, and who are the main characters.

Lastly I had to list three new words with the meanings in my words. For example : Headgear – I think headgear means embarrassing headache. I also had to find a picture of the book on google.

Te Reo Maori

This week we learned about Te Reo Maori.

First FireOdie set on a timer for us to speak in Maori and not in English. If we speak in english Fire Odie has to put one point onto the board to see which group wins. Group a had 0 slips cause they never said anything in Maori.

Next we learnt how to say new words in Maori. For example : pukapuka is book.

I enjoyed this task. I did well on saying words in Maori. I need to improve on learning Maori words.

Basic Facts Boxes v2

This week I did Basic Facts Boxes.

First I had to choose a subject to do. For example : +, x , or -.

Next I had to set on timer to start. I got 100/100 in 2m and 07s.

I enjoyed doing this basic facts boxes. I did well on the timer. I need to improve of getting faster.

Commanding Conversation

This week I learned about Commanding Conversation.

First I had to find a picture that’s easy for me to describe. For example : the two little girl.

Next I had to describe or write a sentence about the people in the pictures. For example : the little girl says, hey look there’s the park.

I enjoyed doing this task because I can write different conversation that matches the different picture.


This week I watched different movies about a topic.

First every school said a speech of what their movie is about.

Next we watched more movies showing people singing. Glow, believe, succeed was my favourite one because it shows you how to believe in your self, how to glow, and also how to succeed.

Lastly we had to find a movie from the manaiakalani site and watch the movie. When we finished watching the movie we have to comment on the blog of greeting, what I enjoyed in the movie, what they did well at, what I learned in the movie, what they have to improve on, and a question,

I enjoyed watching the movies. I did well at commenting, I need to improve on commenting on more flims.

Pros and Cons

Sea transportation is when they take people somewhere.

Pros for ship is : you wake up every morning in a new place, they’re great for families, they can be very affordable. and they’re easy, convenient, and relaxing.

Cons for ship is : you don’t get much time at each destination, they’re terrible for the environment, and they’re not quite all-inclusive.

Pros is advantages and cons is disadvantages.