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Basic Facts Boxes

This week for maths I learned about Basic Facts Boxes.

Basic Facts Boxes is a type of Math game that you sort out the answers. For example: 1+1=2.

First, I had to figure out which one I want to do for math’s. The options were plus, minus, and multiplications. I picked minus because I was thinking that it is the best way to start off with. I also had to pick another option. The options were, random, and order. I picked order because I think the same as minus.

Next, I had to start off by figuring out the answers for the math’s. The minus was easy for me. For example: 20-1= 19, 19-1=18.

Lastly, I had to press check when I finished answering the math problem. For example: when you finish answering your problem of math’s you had to press check to see if you got some wrong, some correct.

I enjoyed learning about basic facts boxes. I did well at answering the problems or solving the problems. I need to improve on moving on to the multiplications.

Palm Oil

This week for Miss White’s reading groups we learned about how to look at two sides of an issue and form an opinion, to look at an issue and debate your opinion, and palm oil.

What is palm oil? Palm oil is a type of edible vegetable oil that comes from any type of fruit of palm trees such as cat palm, windmill palm, bismarck palm, or just a normal palm tree. For example : There was a palm tree in front of your school with coconuts on top.

First, we had to discuss in a group what palm oil is. Palm oil is a type of edible vegetable oil that comes from any type of fruit of palm trees such as cat palm, windmill palm, bismarck palm, or just a normal palm tree. For example : Palm oil is a type of oil that contains fruit and palm trees inside.

Next, Miss White talked about palm oil. She told us what our tasks were. Our tasks were making a copy of the argumentation board and working through it. For the argumentation slide we had to answer the questions and write down why palm oil is bad. The titles were: Why is palm oil bad, palm oil products, use the question dice to write down questions of what you want to know about palm oil, notes, palm oil is bad, finding evidence to support inference. For palm oil products Miss White linked a countdown shopping. The reason why she linked the countdown shopping site is because she wants us to find 5 products that contain palm oil.

Afterwards, we had to watch one of the videos that talks about palm oil. After we finished watching the videos Miss White put in the google slide we had to write down notes that I found inside the video. For example : you’ll find many products you use everyday. It’s in everything from makeup and toothpaste to doughnut chocolates.

Lastly, we had to create a DLO explaining your opinion on “Should we continue to buy products with Palm Oil?”. We had to write down why it is bad for the environment, what products contain palm oil, and are there any alternatives? We had to pick one title to write about. I picked out why it is bad for the environment.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at explaining why it is bad for the environment. I need to improve on adding details into the DLO and the argumentation board.

Speech Competition

This week we watched people who made it to the final performing their speech.

What is speech? Speech is the form of language that people can hear. People use speeches to communicate with others and what is going on.

First, we lined up and walked into the hall quietly and respectfully to show respect to the speakers. The speakers were Micaela, Keira, Hasna, Sunny, Chelle, Mahdi, Marcel, and other people.

Next, Ms Anderson talked to us about the rules for us while watching the speakers talk about their topic. The first person was Micaela. She is a year 4 and came on stage standing straight, giving some eye contact, and other stuff. Her topic was about starting school at 10pm. My favourite thing about her topic is that she gave lots of facts and details.

Then, the next person was Ahu. Ahu is a year 3 and came on stage confident to talk about his speech. My favourite part about Ahu’s topic/speech is that he gave lots of confidence, eye contact, information, and more details.

After that, the third person was Keira. Keira is a year 7 and came on stage giving lots of eye contact, and using her mouth to flow and her voice is loud and clear. Keira’s topic is about gender bias. My favourite part of her speech is that she was able to smile and look proud of herself. The fourth person was Hasna. Hasna is a year 6 and came onto stage to talk about her speech. Her topic is about ocean pollution. When we were talking she knew some of her parts by heart. My favourite part about her speech is that she did well at explaining how many marine animals are or have died.

Lastly, the last person was Marcel, Marcel is a year 5 and is the best speech. He came into stage with no cue cards in his hands. My favourite part is that he knew all of his speech off by heart, gave lots of contact threw the whole speech, he also used hand signals. The winner was everyone but Marcel got 3 certificates because he didn’t need cue cards and he knew it off by heart.

Congrats to everyone!

I enjoyed listening to the speakers. I did well at participating.

Basic Facts Boxes

This week for maths I learned about Basic Facts Boxes.

Basic Facts Boxes is a type of Math game that you sort out the answers. For example: 1+1=2.

First, I had to figure out which one I want to do for math’s. The options were plus, minus, and multiplications. I picked minus because I was thinking that it is the best way to start off with. I also had to pick another option. The options were, random, and order. I picked order because I think the same as minus.

Next, I had to start off by figuring out the answers for the math’s. The minus was easy for me. For example: 20-1= 19, 19-1=18.

Lastly, I had to press check when I finished answering the math problem. For example: when you finish answering your problem of math’s you had to press check to see if you got some wrong, some correct.

I enjoyed learning about basic facts boxes. I did well at answering the problems or solving the problems. I need to improve on moving on to the multiplications.

SSR Selfie

This week I learned about SSR Selfie.

SSR stands for Super Silent Reading. Super Silent Reading is where you read quietly for 15 or 10 minutes.

First I had to choose a book and read for 10 minutes. For example  : I picked a book called Drama to write about.

Next I had to write down the main characters that were in the book that you talked about. The main characters were Matt, Callie, Liz, and Raina.

Then I had to write down the illustrations. The illustrators was Raina Telgemeier.

Lastly I had to list 3 new words I don’t know in my own meanings. For example : I think a rocketship is a type of vehicle.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at listing 3 words in my own meanings. I need to improve on writing something down basic.

Basic Facts Boxes

This week for maths I learned about Basic Facts Boxes.

Basic Facts Boxes is a type of Math game that you sort out the answers. For example: 1+1=2.

First, I had to figure out which one I want to do for math’s. The options were plus, minus, and multiplications. I picked minus because I was thinking that it is the best way to start off with. I also had to pick another option. The options were, random, and order. I picked order because I think the same as minus.

Next, I had to start off by figuring out the answers for the math’s. The minus was easy for me. For example: 20-1= 19, 19-1=18.

Lastly, I had to press check when I finished answering the math problem. For example: when you finish answering your problem of math’s you had to press check to see if you got some wrong, some correct.

I enjoyed learning about basic facts boxes. I did well at answering the problems or solving the problems. I need to improve on moving on to the multiplications.


This week for Miss White maths we learned about how to find and describe the location of something on a map using grid references.

What is a grid? A grid is a map put into squares. Grid references are used to help find things. This used to be used for maps to help people travel to different areas. We always say the X axis first and Y axis next.

First, we had to discuss in Miss White whole group, what location is. Location is an actual place or natural setting in which a film or broadcast is made, as distinct from a simulation in a studio.

Next, we had to make a copy of a google slide that is about auckland zoo. In the google slide we had to have a look at the questions and answer them also by using what are some places you can see, what are their coordinates, and how do we read coordinates. How to read coordinates is that you have to use the 1-10 numbers on the left side and the letters 1-12 on the bottom. For example: your looking for a animal in the zoo and you can’t found it so you use the map to find it. It would be B5.

Lastly, we had to be in pairs and make another copy of a document to draw a map and get your partner to find objects/places.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at making a copy of the task. I need to improve on adding more details into the document.

Compare & Contrast

This week for Miss White reading groups we learned about to be able to compare & contrast two/three ideas.

What is comparing? Comparing is looking at the similarities and differences between ideas or stories.

First, we had to discuss in a group what compare and contrast is. It is where you discuss the elements that are similar, while contrast discusses elements that are different. It’s also a type of two subjects by comparing them, contrasting them, or both.

Next, we had to watch two videos below and make a copy of the venn diagram. In the venn diagram we had to write down the similarities and differences between the two videos. The two videos were called pips and hope. In pips it talks about dogs training to help blind people. In hope it also talks about a turtle by itself and founds that the dad was died in the ocean.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at writing down what the two differences are in the two videos. I need to improve on adding more details.


The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

This week for Miss White’s reading group we learned about the great pacific garbage patch, synthesizing, think about two sides of an issue, and to use prior knowledge and new ideas to create a new thought, idea, opinion or perspective.

What is the great pacific garbage patch? The great pacific garbage patch is three times the size of France and is the world’s biggest ocean waste repository, with 1.8 billion pieces of floating plastic which kill thousands of marine animals each year.

What is synthesizing? Synthesizing is where you put together prior knowledge and new ideas/information to create a new idea.

First, we had to discuss in a group what the great pacific garbage patch is and what is synthesizing. Great pacific garbage patch is a type of marine in the ocean where lots of plastic or type of rubbish is in. Synthesizing is where you think about two side of an issue.

Next, we had to make a copy of a document called synthesizing. We had to write down point 1 view. Point 1 view means that you have to write down yes of what people think’s about rubbish. Point 2 view means you have to write down the answer no of what the other people thinks and opinion means that you have to write down your answer or opinion about rubbish.

Lastly, we had to make a DLO explanning about the great pacific garbage patch. We had to write down what it is, where it is, how do you help it, and how do you prevent rubbish pollution. I made a animation about the great pacific garbage patch because I thought it will be cool and creative.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at explanning what the great pacific garbage patch is. I need to improve on adding more details.


Melting Ice


This week for Miss White inquiry groups I learned about exploring the concepts of states of matter and their transformations through the kitchen experiments.

What is a kitchen experiment? Kitchen experiment is where you can cook, bake, and set up an activity, create science magic, make lava lamps and volcanoes, or even play with ice.

First, we had to predict what piece of ice would melt the fastest and why. The 3 types of ice were, normal ice, salt on ice, and folid on ice. For example: the normal ice melted the fastest then the salt on ice and the foild on ice.

Next, Miss White said we had to get into a group of 4 or 5. In my group we had 5 and they were Sila, Unique, Jenesis, and Armani.

Then, 3 people in each group had to stand up and go to Miss White to grab the materials to do the ice. The materials were, 3x ice cubes, salt, plate, tinfoil, and timer.

Lastly, we had to write down your name, purpose, question, what do you think will happen, what is needed to carry out your experiment, procedure, observation, and conclusion. The question was how long does it take for the ice to melt in different materials, why does salt melt ice quicker, and why does insulation keep things cold?