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Narrative Brianstorm

Zurelle is a girl and she’s 11 years old. She has freckles, curly black hair, and brown eyes. In the inside of her life she is kind, smart, and kinda caring especially helpful.

One day, Zurelle went to school and she also takes the bus with her close friend Kalayla. When they arrived they went into class and was talking about crushes. “Whos your crush?” Kalayla said. “My crush is Jake!”. Kalayla was in shock and they started arguing for liking the same person. Her other close friend Layla stopped them and just use their wits because if it still continues it gets even worse. At the end of the day Kalayla saw Zurelle with Zion (her brother) and thought that was her crush. But then she took Jake away from her and Zurelle got mad. But they realised it was unfair. So they apologized and said “Promise we would never argue again and fighting over a boy”.



This week for Miss White reading groups we learned about how to identify a problem and solution.

What is a problem and a solution? A problem is where something has happened and it is really bad. Solution is where you fix the problem and it is all solved.

First, Miss White explained to us what our task and work was for us to do for today. Our work was to go on the document called Goldilocks and we had to read through the story and answer the questions. We also had to find the problem and solution.

Next, we had to make comments on each question and answer them. For example : the question is “How many people have voted for a national. The answer will be 36. After we finished commenting on each question we had to look through other people’s comments. Miss White looked through them with us all together and read them and gave respect to our comments.

Then, after we finished the document and commented on every question, we had to scroll down to the bottom and write down a problem that happened in the story and the solution that fixed the problem. For example : The problem will be the teacher was being unfair to the other students. The solution will be the teacher realised it was so unfair to the other students so she apologised and took them too.

Lastly, we had to make a copy of the problem and solution DLO. DLO also stands for digital learning objects. In the DLO we had to click on the link called stories for kids. I had to choose 3 stories and read or watch through it. When I finished reading one of the stories I had to go on the DLO and write down the problem and solution and do it for the rest of the 2 other stories.

The end… Remember to be positive and respectful to school. Negative actions have negative consequences.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at commenting on each question on the document. I need to improve on adding more comments.

Figure it out

This week for Miss White maths group we learned about how to use our problem solving skills to work out the gala set up.

First, Miss White explained to us what we are learning for today. We are learning about solving skills and how to use our problems. For example :  the problem is “The goldfish is selfish and never wants to share anything with us”. The solving part will be “Until the goldfish realises he was a selfish fish that won’t share anything with other people or creatures so he decides to share and make everyone happy again.

Next, Miss White told us that we have to make a copy of the google slide that talks about figuring it out at the gala. There are 14 slides to complete. When we finished making a copy of the google slide we had to look at the slide and work out each question. We also had to use different partners each slide. My partner for each slide was Armani, Hasna, Ziv, Valencia, and Sila. Those are the partners I used for each slide.

Lastly, we had to go through each slide and answer the questions. One of the questions was date dilema. In the date dilemma we had to go look at the calendar and see what date suits most people and way. I picked the 29th because there is a 50% (percent) chance that there is a strong wind and there’s another 50%  chance that it would or could be weak. When I finished some of the slides we had to draw a bar graph on a book or a chromebook to see which one is the best and who has the most votes.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at answering all of the questions on the google slide. I need to improve on doing more bar graphs about the school gala.


This week for Inquiry we learned about how to design ideas for the brief and to idapt the design.

First, each member of our group needs to create their own 2 designs for each product, then after that we had to design 2 pencil cases and 2 bookmarks. We also had to link both of our designs to the spreadsheet. We also had to make sure Miss White and Miss Tele’a can access our work.

Next we had to put our designs into a DLO called label the marks of each part of design.

Lastly, when we are finish we had to create another extra pencil case and bookmark design.


Narrative Planner

This week for Miss White’s reading groups we learned about how to unpack a narrative.

What is narrative writing? Narrative writing is telling stories, and stories help us connect with each other. They have written to entertain and to share experiences with a reader. Narrative writing can be written in many mediums, such as novels, short stories, poems, diaries, and even biographies.

First, Miss White told us to discuss in a group what narrative writing is. A narrative writing is where someone is telling stories and it also helps us connect with each other. For example : I am telling a story about the three little pigs. In the story it talks about the three little pigs building different types of houses made out of metal, brick, or pastel.

Next, Miss White explained to us what TOPES stands for. T – title, O – orientation/setting, P – Problem, – E is events, and S – solution. We also use language features – past tense (jump – jumped), verbs/adverbs, written in first person (I, we) and nouns. For example : We went out to the shopes to get us some salt and vinegar chips. or I went out to the shops to go get me some salt and vinegar chips. These are some of the examples.

Then, Miss White told us to make a copy of a document and watch a video called the rainbow fish. In the video called the rainbow fish it talks about a rainbow fish not sharing one of his scales. When we finish watching the video about the rainbow fish you have to go on the document and write down the title of the story, orientation  (where they have set the settings at), Problem (what was the problem in the story), events (first, next, last), solution (how did the problem get fixed).

Lastly, after you finished writing your plan of narrative about the rainbow fish we had to scroll down to the bottom and summarise 20 important words (or phrases), pick 6 most important words, and sentences that flow. In the story I picked 20 important words which were beauty, rainbow fish, blue fish, special, scale, cry, upset, friend, whizzed, share, anymore, share, shiny, mean, green, deep, sea, amazed, please, swam.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at writing down lots of events. I need to improve on adding more details onto the event.

Finish it

Throughout this year, our Writing group has learnt different aspects of writing a narrative story.

This week’s task was to “finish” 6 stories we chose out of the slides Miss Tele’a provided.  My favourite ending I wrote was for the story the roll;er coaster one, because I did it better than the other ending of the stories. 

I did well at adding details. I need to improve on adding more information on to it. I enjoyed writing an ending on each different story.

Word problems

School Gala

This week for Miss White & Miss Tele’a inquiry group we learned how to understand people’s needs and a school gala.

Conducting forms and surveys is a valuable method for gathering information and insights from a target audience in market research. Read through my form and answer the questions and also think of what you will need.

What is a school gala? A school gala is where people create stuff for people if they need stuff. In our class, we are creating bookmarks and pencil cases for the kids if they need stuff to do during the school days.

First, Miss Tele’a explained to us what a school gala was. When she finished explaining it, she told us what we would be creating for the school gala. We would be creating bookmarks and pencil cases.

Next, she told us what our task was to get started for the school gala. Our task was to create a form about the school gala. In the form we had to put in, what year are you, colour, the size, designs, shapes, bookmarks and pencil cases, materials, and other sorts of things.

Then, when we finished filling in the form, we had to add my form link into a spreadsheet for people to fill out my form. We had to fill out 2 people forms – the name above and below your own. After we finish, my teacher will show me how to create a sheet that shows the response of how many people have filled out my form. For now I got 10 people who filled me out.

Lastly, Miss Tele’a showed us a DLO for what we have to do when we finish doing the form. In the DLO it talks about form results. In the DLO it shows the questions and we have to answer them by looking at the responses and pasting it onto the DLO.

I enjoyed doing the form. I did well at filling out other peoples forms. I need to improve on thinking of different things to create next time.

Maths Revision

This week for Miss White maths group, we learned about revision number knowledge.

Tip : highlight the numbers and words that help you come up with a number problem to solve it.

First, Miss White explained to us what is happening next week. In week 2 we will be having testing week. Work through the revision sheet. Make sure you read the problems carefully and figure out which operation problem to solve.

Next, we had to make a copy of the maths revision. It has section 1 and 2 which is addition, section 3 which is word problems, section4 which is subtraction word problem, section 5 which is challenging. In section 1 and 2 there are 20 additions to solve, in section 3 there are 10 to solve, in section 4 there are 10 to solve, And for section 5 there are 5 to answer and solve. In all of the sections I got 100/100.

Lastly, when we finished all of the section, Miss White told us to go on the mat with our chromebook’s so we can tick them if it is wrong or right. In section 1, I got 10/10, in section 2, I got 10/10, in section 3, I got 10/10, In section 4 I got 10/10 and last and for least section 5. I got 9/10.

I enjoyed doing this task. I did well at solving the questions. I need to improve on section 5 to get 10/10.

Basic Facts Boxes

This week for maths I learned about Basic Facts Boxes.

Basic Facts Boxes is a type of Math game that you sort out the answers. For example: 1+1=2.

First, I had to figure out which one I want to do for math’s. The options were plus, minus, and multiplications. I picked minus because I was thinking that it is the best way to start off with. I also had to pick another option. The options were, random, and order. I picked order because I think the same as minus.

Next, I had to start off by figuring out the answers for the math’s. The minus was easy for me. For example: 20-1= 19, 19-1=18.

Lastly, I had to press check when I finished answering the math problem. For example: when you finish answering your problem of math’s you had to press check to see if you got some wrong, some correct.

I enjoyed learning about basic facts boxes. I did well at answering the problems or solving the problems. I need to improve on moving on to the multiplications.